A new Unity report states that thinking video ads are unpopular among mobile game players would be a mistake. According to the analysis,

A new Unity report states that thinking video ads are unpopular among mobile game players would be a mistake. According to the analysis, rewarded video ads are on their way to becoming the new monetization norm. Take a look at some of the report’s highlights.

The study, which you can download here, summarizes and assesses a November 2015 survey based on the input of over 2,000 mobile game developers and players. The survey reveals that rewarded video ads have enormous potential as a way to monetize games. And that’s without negatively affecting either IAP or the lifetime value of players, mind you. Here are a few highlights.

Rewarded Video Ads Bring Home the Most Bacon

When it comes to monetization, it seems as though rewarded video ads are currently the hottest revenue generator — at least according to the developers who participated in the study. Over half said that rewarded video ads are providing them with the highest revenue per user compared to any other type of in-game advertising.

What’s more, the players surveyed said that they actually prefer rewarded video ads to other types of payment. Almost two-thirds stated that they always or sometimes choose to engage with a video ad for an in-game reward, given the chance.

Our secret to success is focusing on creating a monetization method that has positive reinforcement. We give our players a choice when they want to watch rewarded video ads, stirring engagement.

Jami Laes, Co-Founder and CEO

Even more amazing is that we’re seeing an average of 22 rewarded video ads watched per install. And this engagement is sending our revenue through the roof – driving $0.15 average revenue per player per day in the US market.

Mika Rahko, Co-Founder and Head of Development

An overwhelming 71% of players surveyed cite watching in-game video ads – 54% of the total choosing rewarded video specifically – as their prefered way to ‘pay’ for a mobile game.

46% of players today prefer viewing rewarded video content over any other ad offering. Banner ads, by contrast, are prefered by just 20% – so one-in-five – of mobile users.

According to the study, rewarded ads can improve retention. In fact, less than 1-in-10 developers saw any drop in retention at all after introducing rewarded video ads.

Make sure to download and read your free copy right away to get more important results.

Source: Unity

Published 07 April 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head