The Future: Portraits and Cats Made by AI

The portraits you see below are actually fake. They were completely generated by AI, so none of these people actually exist.

NVIDIA researchers have recently presented a new paper on customizing the style of realistic faces created by a generative adversarial network (GAN). It is worth pointing out that whole GAN thing has only existed for four years starting with this landmark paper in 2014.

As of this moments, it had to define whether the portraits are fake, even when examining them in detail.

NVIDIA researchers can now copy the “styles” of source faces onto destination faces, creating new images which look like entirely new people.

To create these latest faces, NVIDIA researchers trained the AI for a whole week using 8 powerful GPUs. Here’s a 6-minute video about this latest progress:

There’s actually more to the story. The tech can also generate other kinds of stuff. Check out some examples below.

Make sure to discuss the news in the comments below.

Published 18 December 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head