The Times Team's Guides on Photogrammetry

Here's your chance to learn more about photogrammetry.

If you want to learn more about photogrammetry, the Times team, has you covered. They have created an in-depth guide on the topic and published several articles where all the aspects and nuances of photogrammetry are thoroughly explained.

For those of you unaware, photogrammetry is the science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring, and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant imagery and other phenomena. Journalists from the Times team use this technique to recreate various places they want to write about. You can learn more about their usage of photogrammetry by checking out our interview with Gui Rambelli who explains how and why they use it.

The Times team's guide explains how to:

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Published 28 September 2021
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content