The Virtual Reality Samples Project for Lumberyard

A standalone project that presents techniques used in the production of VR content.

Amazon released the Virtual Reality Samples Project, a set of three levels that demonstrates techniques used in the production of VR content. A standalone project presents VR features like video playback, haptic feedback, and spatial audio. Levels can become an excellent starting point for developers willing to create VR projects in Lumberyard. 

Previously, Amazon has made its VR system more modular and scalable by moving device support to the Lumberyard Gems system, allowing developers to use any VR device with the engine. There is also the “VR Preview” button to test VR project directly from the Editor. 

The company has shared three simple examples of using VR techniques. Let’s take a look at one of them: 

Video Playback

We build our roadmap entirely from our customers’ needs, and video playback has been one of the most requested features for Lumberyard. For example, one of our VR customers wanted to record 3D video of scenes from an upcoming movie in order to develop a complementary VR experience with the release of the film. To help them achieve this, we added the Video Playback Gem in Lumberyard Beta 1.7, which allows video assets to be inserted into a game scene. When the Video Playback Component is added to any Component Entity in a scene, it will load and play back video up to 4K resolution at 60fps in mono or stereo. You can use either the Ffmpeg or LibAV libraries, which support every major video container and codec (e.g.MP4 with H.264 and H.265/HEVC, WebM/MKV with VP8 and VP9, MOV with the Quicktime QTRLE, and more). The video is rendered to a texture that can be applied to any surface in the world, and just like any texture, can have material effects applied to it. Because performance is especially critical to our VR customers, we designed the video playback system to make efficient use of render targets so that a single video can be rendered onto potentially hundreds of surfaces simultaneously with no loss in performance.


You can read more on the Virtual Reality Samples Project here

Download the Virtual Reality Samples Project

Published 10 February 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head