Tim Cook Believes People Do Not Understand What Metaverse Is

In a new interview, Apple's head spoke about VR and AR technologies and suggested that an average person can't really tell what the metaverse is.

In a recent interview with the Dutch outlet Bright, Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke about AR technologies, discussed the metaverse, and shared his thoughts on programming, climate change, and how technology affects humanity.

Speaking of AR technologies, Cook shared that in his opinion, AR is "the biggest technological promise for the future for years." He explained that though Apple's App Store already has a number of AR apps, there is always room for further developments and that the technology eventually will affect every field and every aspect of human life.

"I think AR is a profound technology that will affect everything. Imagine suddenly being able to teach with AR and demonstrate things that way. Or medically, and so on," Cook explained. "As I said, we are really going to look back and think about how we once lived without AR."

Since a number of tech giants have started to double down on the term "metaverse", Apple's head was also asked about his opinion on the matter. His comments seem to be pretty interesting as Cook suggested that people, in general, do not understand what the metaverse is.

"I always think it's important that people understand what something is," Cook said. "And I'm really not sure the average person can tell you what the metaverse is."

Cook believes that, unlike the metaverse, virtual reality is a more clearly defined technology. Speaking of VR, the head of Apple noted that VR has a number of positive outcomes, however, it is not a way to "live your whole life."

"It's something you can really immerse yourself in. And that can be used in a good way. But I don't think you want to live your whole life that way. VR is for set periods, but not a way to communicate well. So I'm not against it, but that's how I look at it," Cook said.

Elsewhere in the interview, Cook spoke about the importance of programming, the effects of climate change, and how different regulations can influence innovations. You can learn more about what Tim Cook thinks on these issues by reading the full interview here.

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Published 03 October 2022
Ana Kessler