Tracking Down GPU Crashes in UE4 with NVIDIA Aftermath

Starting with 4.15.2, the Unreal Engine will ship with NVIDIA Aftermath integrated to track down what’s happening with GPU hangs.

Unreal Engine’s crash reporter is all about collecting valuable feedback on user crashes, most importantly on where in the source code the crash occurred. Epic Games is analyzing this data to fix widespread issues.

Tracking down GPU crashes, on the other hand, is quite difficult. The creators of Unreal Engine had a hard time figuring out what the graphics card was doing when the crash occurred. NVIDIA Aftermath will now help collect that information. The tool doesn’t provide an exact location in the source code but will give details on where during the frame the crash occurred, for example in a particular post-processing pass.

Sometime around 4.14 Preview 1 (October), we began to see a lot of reports come across regarding a specific D3D crash but have not had the appropriate information to act upon. We have been tracking this issue with the ticket UE-42280.

It has been frustrating for us to see these reports come across for the last few months without being able to fix the core issues, so we’ve been working closely with NVIDIA to better understand what is happening. Recently, NVIDIA developed a new technology called Aftermath that gives us additional information to assist in tracking down the root of these crashes.

Starting with 4.15.2, the engine will ship with NVIDIA Aftermath integrated, giving us the appropriate info to track down what’s happening with GPU hangs. Your crash reports are an immense help when it comes to fixing bugs in the engine, and we encourage you to continue sending them along. When submitting your crash report, please also make sure to enable the checkbox to include your log files. If you’re currently working with a version of 4.15, we’d really appreciate it if you upgraded to 4.15.2 and update your NVIDIA drivers to 381.89 so we can act fast on getting these bugs squashed.

Epic Games 

You can find more information about NVIDIA Aftermath here

Author: Artyom Sergeev

Published 03 May 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head