Tutorial: EEVEE in 3DS Max

Eloi Andaluz Fullà has recently shared a video discussing how 3DS Max’s Nitrous viewport can be changed to achieve some of the raster effects from Blender 2.8’s new EEVEE viewport.

“We have a new Blender 2.8 beta available, the big star is “Eevee” a rasterize viewport that looks (and is) very cool. How close we can get to it using 3dsmax old “Nitrous” viewport?”

The author claims that Nitrous features multiple rasterize effects including Ambien Occlusion, spheric reflections, normal mapping, DOF, motion blur, area shadows and more, but the thing is that it’s a little scattered and hid over the interface.

This tutorial will show 3ds Max parameters you can tweak to have the nicest viewport possible and also the difference between Nitrous and EEVEE.

Published 19 December 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head