Tvori Released New Animation System

The team has empowered the animation system with enhanced flexibility and functionality.

Tvori has created the VR prototyping and animation system that will be easy-to-use for designers and those artists who don’t have animating skills yet to create a prototype version of their vision. 

Today, on April, 7, the team has released a new animation system. For the new system, the feedback from users was taken into account and, therefore, the new system is enhanced by more flexibility and functionality. Here are some key technical enhancements that will simplify your creative process and speed up the production of any project:

  • VR and AR prototyping - now, you can go straight into creating prototypes for VR and AR projects instead of creating 2D storyboards and presentations.
  • Scene Setup - in Tvori, you can set up your scene, add your own assets in it or use the internal library, work on the sound production, prototype the UI design. After the tweaking process, you can export your scene as 2D/360 video, animation file, 3D models with animation to move forward in other software.
  • A new app or game prototyping even if you don’t have any animation background at all.

Get your own beta version of the software here.

Visit the official website for more information.

Published 07 April 2020
Ellie Harisova