TyFlow – Powerful Simulation with 3ds Max

Take a look at a tool for 3ds Max called TyFlow which is basically a complete rewrite of Particle Flow, in development by Tyson Ibele.

Take a look at a tool for 3ds Max called TyFlow which is basically a complete rewrite of Particle Flow, in development by Tyson Ibele. It’s something like PFlow, but much more powerful.  


  • Every operator is fully multithreaded
  • Tons of new operators, featuring things like a granular solver, cloth, rope, proper path follow, DLA growth, constraints, etc.
  • Spline operator and a super fast spline meshing modifier for converting particle trajectories/neighbors/constraints/etc into spline meshes
  • Up-to-date PhysX support
  • Voronoi fracture, brick fracture, boolean fracture, convex decomosition, etc, built-in
  • All of PFlow’s terrible O(n^2) operations that make it totally unusable for productions have been properly accelerated (mesh collisions, nearest neighbor searches, surface lock/bond, etc)
  • No more hidden PFlow operator/event nodes in the scene to manage, each flow is fully self-contained
  • Tons of extra control has been added to all the base operators, and each operator has timing activation control
  • A C# script operator that executes nearly as fast as native c++ and that supports multithreaded scripts
  • VRay instance rendering support, GPU instancing in the viewport (easily display 100s of millions of polys in the view no problem)
  • Super fast auto-caching, similar to how Houdini caches things on the fly
  • PhoenixFD grid support, PRT import/export
  • Simulation retiming
  • A custom file caching system that is often hundreds/thousands times smaller in file size than alternative systems like xMesh

The developer is going to launch a public beta with more features like crowd simulation support, ragdolls, etc. More details can be found here.

Published 31 July 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head