UE4 Scene: Flooded Temple by Anya Jo Elvidge
Anya Jo Elvidge shared her beautiful Flooded Temple scene set up in UE4.

"I wanted this to be free, but there are file size restrictions on free stuff. So, it's £1 instead," wrote the artist. 

The pack includes the concept work for the scene, blockouts, all models, materials, particles, and textures in a fully lit and assembled Unreal Engine map.

The artist will also be making a series of YouTube videos here. She will cover various topics, including concept art, inspiration, blocking out, working with colors, composition, lighting, texturing, and more.

Please note that the pack is meant for educational use only and you don't have permission for any of the assets included to be used commercially.

Learn more and get the pack here.

Published 10 December 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head