Uncharted 4 Fan Art by Adnan Chaumette

Adnan Chaumette from Quixel has presented his Uncharted project created with the help of UE4, Megascans and Maya.

Adnan Chaumette from Quixel has presented his Uncharted project created with the help of UE4, Megascans and Maya. It was an experiment for the artist to test his environment skills and the results are really nice. The scene kind of makes you want to jump into the series by Naughty Dog again. 

Something i started doing a few hours ago to brush up my environment art skills.

All textures and scatter meshes are made in Megascans, the rest was modeled in Maya.

Main inspiration was the Madagascar scene of Uncharted 4, from Anthony Vaccaro. Will see if i can push it a bit further later on today.

Adnan Chaumette 

You can find more details on the project here

Published 23 October 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head