Unity and Google Cloud Present Open Match

A couple of days ago, Unity and Google Cloud have presented the result of their teamwork called Open Match which is an accessible matchmaking technology for developers.

A couple of days ago, Unity and Google Cloud have presented the result of their teamwork called Open Match which is an accessible matchmaking technology for developers.

Open Match is described as a scalable, reusable matchmaking technology that developers can integrate across different types of projects and then customize. The technology will let developers focus on matchmaking logic rather than developing custom tech from scratch.

“What if game developers could focus on just the matchmaking logic—the inputs and logic for selecting players—instead of building a whole matchmaker from scratch for each game? Google Cloud and Unity are jointly announcing the availability of an open source matchmaking project called Open Match to do exactly that. Open Match is designed to allow game creators to reuse a common matchmaker framework. It includes three core components: a frontend API for game clients, a backend API for game servers, and an orchestrator that runs game-specific custom matchmaking logic. It’s instrumented with OpenCensus (opencensus.io) for metrics gathering and Prometheus (prometheus.io) is configured by default,” the announcement states.

Yes, Open Match is co-founded by Google Cloud and Unity, but the tech will be open source and engine agnostic. The Unity team will continue to work on matchmaking technology with Open Match as a basis to improve the game engine.

A GitHub repository is now available for you to contribute to the project.

Published 10 September 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head