Using Houdini, Stable Diffusion & Multi-ControlNet to Create Isometric Maps

Reddit user stassius demonstrated how ControlNet can be used to help developers set up maps for isometric games.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to set up isometric maps for your games and projects, here's a neat method that might help you out. Reddit user stassius has recently shared a short demo showing how Houdini, Stable Diffusion, and Multi-ControlNet can be used in tandem to set up various in-game maps.

In the demo, the author showed how to set up a rough layout using basic shapes and color coding, demonstrated how to generate images and project them on top of the models, and showcased some of the results achieved with this workflow.

On top of that, in the comments below the original Reddit post, the creator also shared the prompts used for the maps seen in the video and revealed tons of behind-the-scenes details regarding the pipeline in general. You can find the original post by clicking this link.

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Published 28 February 2023
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content