VEX-Driven Procedural Traffic System

Franco Pizzani has recently shared a WIP video his VEX-driven procedural traffic system.

Franco Pizzani has recently shared a WIP video his VEX-driven procedural traffic system with traffic lights, stop signs, pedestrians, and yield behaviors.

“Speed is x5. Render is Redshift, also in Houdini.”

It is an astonishing of the complex behaviors you can set up with Houdini. Yes, you have to know your math and configure each element perfectly (you can find a little glitch in the video), but it is worth it.

Pizzani is still working on his tool, so stay tuned to see the final version, and learn more. In the meantime, you can study other cases of using Houdini for development. For example, read our interview with the team behind Wildlands talking about terrain production and using Houdini for world creation:

Procedural Technology in Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Benoit Martinez and Vincent Delassus discussed the technical challenges of producing huge open-world worlds and how new tools help solve them.

Don’t forget to discuss the traffic system in the comments.

Published 14 August 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head