What is Wrong with Andromeda’s Animations?

“My face is tired.”

Something is seriously wrong with Mass Effect: Andromeda‘s animations. Members of the Origin Access program got a chance to play Andromeda’s first two missions and the multiplayer before its launch. The ‘lucky’ ones seem to have mixed feelings. 

The game is full of strange and awkward facial expressions, hilarious animations and annoying errors. Twitter and NeoGAF are full of these fun moments, so we decided to share some of them with you, our readers. “My face is tired” doesn’t sound like a line from AAA title, so what about the rest of the game? How many more hilarious bugs are there? 

It is worth noting that this is final version Electronic Arts and Bioware has sent out to reviewers, streamers, YouTubers and other influencers. This is the game you’ll play!

So, here it goes:

Make sure to share other fun moments with us if we missed any. 

Published 17 March 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head