Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Got Official Dedicated Servers

The servers for the 19-year-old game are set in the USA, the EU, Australia, and the UK.

Bethesda has deployed official dedicated servers for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory – a multiplayer first-person shooter released in 2003.

For all these years, the community has been hosting servers with a variety of mods and custom maps, but Bethesda understands that "many players are looking for a more nostalgic experience" and decided to have its own servers running the vanilla Enemy Territory Campaign ruleset, with all six original maps and no mods.

The servers are set in the USA (Texas), the EU (Netherlands), Australia (Canberra), and the UK (London). They support 16 players, with friendly fire and anti-lag turned on. The team has also announced the game's release on the Microsoft Store, with dedicated server support as well. 

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a free and open-source multiplayer shooter originally planned as an expansion pack to Return to Castle Wolfenstein but later released as a standalone game with the source code available for better modding opportunities.

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Published 09 September 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor