Zdzislaw Beksinski: Dystopian Surrealism in Games

Have a look at the works of Zdzislaw Beksinski – Polish artist, who inspired a generation of game artists from all over the world.

The most recent Warhammer 40K Dawn of War III trailer reminded us about the amazing Zdzislaw Beksinski. This is one of the few relatively modern artists, who managed to have a profound effect on game art in general.

Beksinski was a master of so called “dystopian surrealism”. His iconic dark images became a reference point for hundreds of game artists. You can easily Beksinski’s influence in Destiny, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Witcher 3 and so many others. There’s even a separate title Tormentum, which lets you step into the surrealistic world of his works.

Alas Zdzislaw Beksinski is no longer with us. He was murdered in 2005 by two teenagers, who stabbed him 17 times! He lived to see his beloved wife die and his son commit suicide. Not the happiest of destinies.

If you want to see more of Zdzislaw Beksinski’s art be sure to visit his official website and check out this gallery.
Published 04 May 2016
Kirill Tokarev