Free Live Tutorial from Sinespace Founder

Adam Frisby, the founder of Sinespace is going to show the way of using the platform to quickly create a mini-game.

Sinespace is a virtual world platform for developing & publishing multi-user games, apps, and experiences including MMOs, action, racing, casual and social games.

The workshop starts at PDT (UTC -7). Don’t forget to click on “Set reminder” in order not to miss the start.

You can also check our recent articles about Sinespace:

Guys from BlakOpal and Trilo Byte talked about clothes production for games and SineSpace especially, the way they utilize Unity and other tools in this process, set up clothes for sale, and more.

The team behind Sinespace gave a talk on their Unity tool that is basically an all-in-one virtual world platform for building multi-user worlds, and everything within them.

We can’t wait to hear what Adam Frisby is going to tell us today. Stay tuned and be sure to share your emotions in the comment section!

Published 31 May 2019
Adam Frisby