80 Level Speaker Opportunity

Don’t miss a chance to speak at the largest gamedev and CG events, meet with the industry veterans, collaborate with the artists and simply have fun.

Don’t miss a chance to speak at the largest gamedev and CG events, meet with the industry veterans, collaborate with the artists and simply have fun.

We know that our audience is comprised of talented, aspiring, and ambitious artists and developers. We know that you, our friends, have a lot of knowledge and eagerness to share it, and we are constantly looking for the ways to help you grow, communicate and show your works to the world. That is why today we offer you an opportunity to become an honorable speaker at one of the events universally recognized in the CG society such as GDC, SIGGRAPH, PAX, DevGAMM, and others.

If you dream of participating in any of these events and feel that you can handle a talk in front of a large audience – welcome aboard! Here’s the course of actions:

  1. First of all, take this simple survey and answer a few questions which will help us to find a suitable event for you.
  2. Based on your answers, we’ll contact our partner events and discuss your candidacy to see if it’s approved.

You might ask yourself: “What is it for if I can submit a talk on my own?” You certainly can! What we offer is just an easier way to apply for participation in the events allowed by our extensive partnerships with them.

This way or another – we’re looking forward to seeing you shine on the stage!

*Art by Xia Taptara

Published 14 January 2019
Daria Loginova
Senior Editor