A First Look at PlayerUnknown's Upcoming Game

The upcoming project is called Prologue and is designed to illustrate the kinds of games that Brendan Greene wants to create.

In case you missed the news, a week ago a Game Developer and the creator of PUBG Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene left PUBG’s parent company Krafton to launch a new game studio called PlayerUnknown Productions, in which Krafton will have a minority stake. Following up on this news, Greene has shared some information about the new studio's upcoming project – Prologue.

Prologue will be a tech demo designed to illustrate the kinds of games that Greene wants to build next and will use the pay-what-you-want pricing strategy. According to Greene, he wants "...to create realistic sandbox worlds on a scale that’s seldom attempted, worlds hundreds of kilometers across with thousands of players interacting, exploring and creating.”

According to the developer, his team has created a neural network that can generate massive realistic open worlds at runtime – each and every time you press play, and Prologue is designed to show the audience an early iteration of this technology.

"You’ll need to find your way across a runtime generated wilderness and use found tools and gathered resources to survive on a journey where harsh weather is your constant foe. There will be no guidance, no path for you to follow, just a world, a spot on the map to reach, and the tools you need to get there," reads the game's description.

You can learn more about the project here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 07 September 2021
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content