
A New Autonomous Digital Human By Digital Domain

Have a look at an AI-based assistant that acts in an incredibly realistic style.

Digital Domain revealed Douglas, a new realistic real-time autonomous digital human that was "designed to break down the barriers in human-to-machine interactions, yielding conversations that feel natural and easy." Douglas is said to be chameleon-like with the ability to switch faces. The team's goal is to launch it in 2021.

"Everywhere you look you see virtual assistants, chatbots, and other forms of AI-based communication interacting with people," said Darren Hendler, director of Digital Humans Group at Digital Domain. "As companies decide to expand past voice-only interactions, there’s going to be a real need for photorealistic humans that behave in the ways we expect them to. That’s where Douglas comes in."

Douglas is said to be using different types of machine learning and Digital Domain R&D to reproduce the most common mannerisms. The project focuses on language processing, expressions, vision tracking, and more to do everything from leading conversations to remembering people. Also, the team states that the response rate is currently the same as Alexa and Siri, so conversations have a natural flow.

Companies can use it, for example, as an avatar to answer questions or help customers with repetitive tasks, and it can now connect to any chatbot or assistant system. You can learn more about Douglas here

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