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CD Projekt RED to Lay Off 100 People (9% of the Team)

The company plans to let go 9% of the team by the first quarter of 2024. 

CD Projekt RED announced that they're planning to let go 9% of the entire team saying the move is a part of the restructuring aimed at improving efficiency. The company states they found they needed not only the best specialists but also the right teams that meet the requirements of current projects.

CD Projekt RED leadership believes the studio now has more staff than necessary, and after completing current tasks, some of them will not have work for the next year.

For this reason, the studio will reduce the workforce by approximately 100 people, which accounts for about 9% of the total number of employees. The said people will be let go by the first quarter of 2024.

"We've carefully assessed all teams in the company in terms of their expected contribution to the delivery of our strategy. There's no easy way to say this, but today we are overstaffed. We have talented people on board who are finishing their tasks and — based on current and expected project needs — we already know we don't have other opportunities for them in the next year," wrote CD Projekt RED CEO Adam Kiciński. "The outcome is the studio parting ways with around 100 people, which is roughly 9% of the entire team. This will not be immediate as some employees will be let go as late as Q1 2024 but, in the spirit of transparency, we've chosen to share the information now. We want team members to have ample time to process and adjust to the change, and we've also made sure to offer everyone a comprehensive severance package."

Kiciński assured that the studio will provide significant compensation to these employees and give them time to determine their next steps. The manager also asked those laid-off employees to stay in touch, believing that in the future they may have the opportunity to return to the studio when there are openings for them.

You can find the original statement here. Don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on ThreadsInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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