
Chinese Gamers Can Pre-Order Xbox Series X|S

The consoles are finally going to be launched in China in June according to Microsoft.

The official release date is set for June 10, preorders will open 3 weeks prior to that date, on May 19. The recommended price for Xbox Series S is ¥2399 ($372), and the price of the Series X console is ¥3899 ($600). Thus, both consoles are going to cost about $100 more in mainland China than in the US, where Series X launched at $499.99 while the cost of Series S was $299.99.

Just a little earlier, on May 15 PlayStation 5 was officially released in China. Even though Chinese gamers are not active console users, on April 29 when pre-orders for PS5 opened, all 50,000 consoles were sold out in 20 minutes.

You can find the official announcement (in Chinese) on Microsoft's website. Also, don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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