Free Download: 60 UE4 materials and 220 textures

CG generalist Leonid ‘DneproMan’ Klimenko recently released The Monolith. This massive collection of textures and materials for Unreal Engine is available for

CG generalist Leonid ‘DneproMan’ Klimenko recently released The Monolith. This massive collection of textures and materials for Unreal Engine is available for download for free.

There are 220 seamless 2K textures of different materials: brick, concrete. plaster. Also the pack includes 60 Instanced Materials with diffuse, normal and roughness maps. If you’re using Unreal Engine these materials will definitely be of use for you. There are also 3ds Max and Houdini project files for an epic UE demo.

These assets are not entirely original of course. They were used by teams DnMAN and StormGS in the production of some demos of Unreal Engine 4.6. The great thing is that you can use these materials in your games.


Author: Alexandr Agapitov

Published 28 January 2015
Kirill Tokarev