
Games Represent Just 11% of All Apps That Offer Subscription

Besides, only 36% of revenue generated on average by gaming apps that offer subscriptions is driven by subscriptions.

AppsFlyer has released a new report covering the state of app marketing for subscription apps as of June 2022.

The report reads that despite games representing the larger share of the total number of apps, a much higher share of subscriptions is seen in non-gaming apps (especially related to health & fitness, photography, and education apps), with games accounting for only 11% of the total number of apps offering subscriptions.

Only 36% of revenue generated on average by gaming apps that offer subscriptions comes from subscriptions, while for non-gaming applications, this share is more significant – 82%.

AppsFlyer notes that gaming apps with subscriptions saw an 18% decline in iOS installs and an 8% decline in Android installs from August to March 2022. Meanwhile, non-gaming apps, on the contrary, experienced an 18% jump in installs on iOS during January 2022, and almost a 25% increase since November. On Android, the number of non-gaming apps, however, declined by 12%.

The report also reveals that 2.1% of users who install non-gaming apps that offer subscriptions go on to subscribe within 30 days of installing the app whereas gaming app users converted at only 0.2%.

You can learn more about the state of market for subscription apps by reading the full report here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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