God of War Reimagined as a Game for Playstation 1

The boy looks different in this version.

64 Bits, a team from YouTube that makes animated videogame parodies, shared a new video that reimagines the adventure of Kratos and Atreus as a PS1 title.

The original game was originally released in 2018 offering a new take on the saga with a new setting and mythology. The 64 Bits decided to imagine what the game could look like if the studio launched it a couple of decades ago.

This old-school version also features a different combat system which is more typical of a Final Fantasy featuring turn-based mechanics and different abilities. Would you like to play this version?

Previously, we also shared a project by game developer Lilith Walther who developed the Bloodborne PSX project with an overhauled main menu and different locations from the game.

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Published 07 December 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head