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Hello Games Is Working On An Ambitious New Game

Hello Games revealed that a part of their team is working on a huge, ambitious new project.

Studio founder Sean Murray told Polygon that Hello Games now employs 26 people. 3 have been creating new Hello Games short The Last Campfire. The remaining 23 developers are working hard on new updates for No Man's Sky, plus a brand new project. Murray called the new title "a huge, ambitious game like No Man’s Sky.” 

Little is known about the project, but Hello Games states that it is "very early" in development. It appears that they decided to be careful after No Man's Sky's controversial launch.

"I think about it a lot and I don’t know where I come down on it," Murray told Polygon. "There is a really positive thing about talking about your game a lot. Where you get people interested in it who wouldn’t have played it otherwise.”

What would you like to see from the studio? Share ideas in the comments and read the full interview here.  

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