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Marvel VFX Workers Vote to Unionize

50 on-set VFX workers voted to join the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE).

Photo: Marvel Entertainment

A new report reveals that a group of over 50 VFX specialists from Marvel Studios has petitioned to join the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). IATSE is the largest union in the US and Canada, representing workers from various departments in theater, television, and film production, including makeup artists, costume designers, cinematographers, and lighting technicians. VFX workers have not been well-represented in the union until now, according to the group of Marvel workers.

The majority of the 52 participating workers voted yes to joining IATSE. They now seek support from Marvel Studios and Disney, but little is known on whether the companies will acknowledge their membership in the union – representatives from the studios have not commented on the news.

"For almost half a century, workers in the visual-effects industry have been denied the same protections and benefits their coworkers and crewmates have relied upon since the beginning of the Hollywood film industry," said VFX organizer for IATSE Mark Patch. "This is a historic first step for VFX workers coming together with a collective voice demanding respect for what we do."

The said group consists of on-set VFX workers, such as effects coordinators, motion capture camera operators, assistants, and data wranglers. The group does not include workers involved in creating graphics during post-production. However, the group hopes this will be the first step toward the widespread unionization of VFX specialists.

"Turnaround times don’t apply to us, protected hours don’t apply to us, and pay equity doesn’t apply to us," added VFX coordinator Bella Huffman. "Visual effects must become a sustainable and safe department for everyone who’s suffered far too long and for all newcomers who need to know they won’t be exploited."

You can find the original story here. As for other unions, recently Sega of America workers voted yes to form the largest multi-department video game union in the US. Learn more here

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