NGDC Season III Latest Qualifiers

The Grand Finals of Nordic Game Discovery Contest Season III is almost here! On this occasion, let’s recap the latest spring qualifiers.

The Grand Finals of Nordic Game Discovery Contest Season III is almost here! On this occasion, let’s recap the latest spring qualifiers. See the full list on the NGDC website. The Grand Finals will take place at Nordic Game 2019, 22-24 May in Malmö, Sweden.

Interrogation by Critique Gaming

On 11 April, Critique Gaming’s Interrogation became the fourteenth qualifier of the NGDC Season III at Reboot Develop Blue in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Critique Gaming is a small indie studio from Bucharest, capital of Romania, and Interrogation is their first title. This is a narrative-driven conversational puzzle game where you have a chance to be the lead detective who brings down a mysterious terrorist organization: The Liberation Front. To do so you use a complex conversational simulation system to interrogate and psychologically manipulate realistic suspects in a noir game about political radicalization and authority abuse.

Vokabulantis by Kong Orange

On 26 April, Kong Orange’s Vokabulantis became the fifteenth qualifier of the NGDC Season III qualifier at Nordic Game Jam in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Vokabulantis is an episodic puppet animation game about language and its poetic reality as well as love. The game makes language tangible through the tactility of puppet films in an interactive universe.

Liberated by Atomic Wolf and Airhead by Octato

Atomic Wolf’s Liberated and Octato‘s Airhead have been chosen as the NGDC Season III wild-card selections in May.

Atomic Wolf is a small studio from Poland and Octato is based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Both games are currently in development. Liberated is an interactive dystopian graphic novel that unfolds on the pages of a comic book and is set in a dark world in the near future where technology turned against people. Airhead will tell a story of a headless body carrying a dying organism on its shoulders determined to rescue it.

Published 21 May 2019
Daria Loginova
Senior Editor