Over 9000 Swords for UE4

‘Over 9000 Swords’ by Broad Strokes is a modular weapon system that was written completely in Blueprints and allows you to quickly and efficiently add a variety of swords in your game.

Over 9000 Swords’ by Broad Strokes is a modular weapon system that was written completely in Blueprints and allows you to quickly and efficiently add a variety of swords in your game with Unreal Engine 4. Download it here!

Lee Devonald and Jan Kaluza (sorry for missing out Jan!) are the creators of this package. With this technology you can make up to 13,552 different unique swords with the meshes provided with its 44 different components that are split over four categories. The package was designed to let you easily add even more customized swords with extra sword parts or your own unique weapon types and components.

It also comes with an easy-to-use material preset management that allows you to create many variations of color, metallic value, roughness, or emissive power. Along with this you’ll find selective randomization features and full networking support that is included, plus a demo level that comes with tutorials and examples of how to use the package in your game.

There’s even a crafting station with a simple and easy to use user interface as an implementation example that you can use as-is, or rework to fit your game.

Source: broad-strokes.com

Published 07 October 2015
Kirill Tokarev