RUiN: Visual Journey of the indie MOBA

Developers of RUiN shared their progress screens, depicting the transformation of the game from the ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.

Tarhead Studio recently shared some of the cool screenshots, depicting the technical journey of RUiN from a simple prototype to a dynamic action game with cool visuals. The title itself reminds a popular Warcraft III mod Warlock. The developers pitch the game as “Dota 2 meets Super Smash Bros!”

RUiN is being developed with Unity 5. The project has been in development for quite some time. The first screenshots looked pretty bleak since developers didn’t really know much about the engine and had no idea how to make nice looking games.

Summer 2014 version of the game looks much better with some nice lighting, better arena layout and some sleek UI.

Almost a year later the game looked amazing already. The use of particles and the lovely visual fidelity of the environment catches the eye of the user.

The contemporary version of RUiN looks absolutely phenomenal. It’s a top-notch game with particles, realtime lighting, great visual effects and a lot of cool visual features. You can actually try it out if you’re chosen to be a beta-tester.

The game is currently at Steam Greenlight.


Published 23 July 2015
Kirill Tokarev