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Sony to Acquire Bungie for $3.6bn

The PlayStation prepared an answer to the recent Activision Blizzard news.

"Sony is buying Bungie, the maker of Destiny — another seismic gaming deal that comes just two weeks after Microsoft purchased Activision Blizzard," wrote Jason Schreier. "Bungie put Xbox on the map. Now it's part of PlayStation Studios. Filed to Bloomberg Terminal, hitting web soon".

The company is said to retain creative freedom and the ability to publish games for different platforms. They will continue working on Destiny 2 and also develop new IPs. 

"We've had a strong partnership with Bungie since the inception of the Destiny franchise, and I couldn't be more thrilled to officially welcome the studio to the PlayStation family," said SIE president CEO Jim Ryan.

Bungie called SIE "a partner who unconditionally supports us in all we are and who wants to accelerate our vision to create generation-spanning entertainment, all while preserving the creative independent that beats in Bungie's heart."

Previously, Microsoft announced they decided to acquire Activision Blizzard, the publisher of Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Diablo, for $68.7 billion. Microsoft said at the time it would be the "third-largest gaming company by revenue, behind Tencent and Sony" when the deal is closed. 

Microsoft plans to add Activision’s games to Xbox Game Pass. Then, they will have the right to publish world-known franchises like Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, Call of Duty, and Candy Crush. "Upon close, we will offer as many Activision Blizzard games as we can within Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, both new titles and games from Activision Blizzard’s incredible catalog," said Microsoft’s CEO of gaming Phil Spencer.

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