Streamer Played Elden Ring Using Guitar

MissMikkaa is full of fun ideas about how to beat the game.

Soon after Elden Ring was released, players started coming up with different bizarre ways of playing the game: with a toy controller, dance pad, graphics tablet, and even brain activity. Streamer MissMikkaa decided to try a guitar. 

"I'm using a program called Abject Audio Inputs which can keybind mouse and keyboard inputs from audio frequencies," MissMikkaa told Eurogamer. "I have my guitar plugged directly into my goXLR [mixer] so that the software captures the audio from the guitar only. Then in the software itself I can see what frequency is being output from the guitar when I play it."

At first, she wanted to only use chords to play the game so it would be pleasant to listen to, but it was too complicated as it would detect multiple frequencies at once, so she decided to use single notes, isolated several chords which did not have overlapping frequencies, and mixed them with single notes as actions in the game. 

So far, MissMikkaa has reached Rennala at the Raya Lucaria Academy but she doesn't intend to stop there:

"I'm definitely looking forward to charming Malenia with my tunes! I think my strategy will be the same as every other run: perseverance. As for the in-game strategy itself, I'll probably go for something tanky with a side of aggression to break her stance. I'm sure once I'm fully adjusted to playing with a guitar, it'll be just like the other challenge runs, albeit a bit more inconsistent."

Watch her battle with a guitar on Twitch and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platformour Reddit page, and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 07 February 2023
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor