Substance Announced Livestream with Adobe’s 3D Team

Join the Livestream with Adobe’s 3D team to have a nice start to the year. 

Substance will hold another Livestream with the 3D team of Adobe. This time, Sébastien Deguy, Jérémie Noguer, Valéria Gerontopoulos with Wes McDermott as a host will share the company’s plan for the year 2021, give products updates, and reveal some announcements. 
Join the Livestream on YouTube on January 28, 2021, 10.00 AM PST. 

Meanwhile, check out the cool procedural materials of the Industrial Revolution made by Pierre Fleau. 

The collection will be spot-on for a train or industrial scene.

Pierre also shared the insights into the pack’s production and revealed his key inspiration, step-by-step production process starting from the storyline of the pack and its scene and finishing with tweaking the wooden, metal, and fabric materials. 

Join Pierre on the Substance YouTube channel on February 4 to find out more about his workflow. Don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 12 January 2021
Ellie Harisova