Substance Painter is Ready for Dimension CC

We’ve recently published an article about Dimension CC released by Adobe. But that’s not all!

We’ve recently published an article about Dimension CC released by Adobe. But that’s not all! Here is one more awesome thing. The newest Substance Painter 2017.3 that comes with a new export format allows Adobe fans to take advantage of Adobe Standard Materials from Painter.

Here are the details on this coalition:

Substance Painter’s export to Adobe Dimension allows for a perfectly streamlined workflow between the two apps. Adobe Dimension materials are built upon NVIDIA’s MDL format, making it a perfect fit for materials created in Substance Designer as well.

With Substance Designer, Substance Painter and Adobe Dimension, it’s now easier than ever to bring high-quality assets and materials to print artworks, presentations or illustrations thanks to Dimension’s automatic lighting features and advanced material system.


You can learn more here.  

Published 19 October 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head