
The Amazing Art of Princecanary

Have a look at some of the amazing illustrations from a talented US artist.

Princecanary is a nickname of the guy named Rhett, who lives in the United States and draws comics and illustrations. He’s only 21, but his skills already attracted a lot of fans. Some people are even asking him for a tutorial, but so far he’s not working on any. His style is influence by a lot of various projects. He has organized a special blog, where he usually publishes all the stuff that inspires him (http://bank-of-swank.tumblr.com/). It’s a whole bunch of various stuff: Pokemons, Disney characters, Overwatch and so on.
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Princecanary is currently working on his own story Gentlemantown. It’s a comic about ‘fancy rich guys shooting at each other for various reasons’. The main characters are a boss and his assistant. You can’t read it now, but it will be released sooner or later.

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Some of the fan art.

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Princecanary’s works are really inspiring. Really hope this guy will continue to draw and eventually come up with his own unique series. He’s creating his amazing works in Manga Studio 5 with Adobe illustrator.

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  • Fae lavender

    I had no idea he was actually going to make an actual comic for gentalmantown! I’m really excited to see it come out though! I love his work and follow him on every social platform that i can find him on! I’m absolutely inspired by his work and I hope he sees my art too! My art account is @fae_lavender on insta!


    Fae lavender

    ·6 years ago·

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