This Has To Be the Most Insanely Realistic Bowl of CG Ramen Ever Cooked

Despite WIP shots, it is still hard to believe this is not a photo.

3D Artist and Student known as Tamataku has wowed hundreds of people by unveiling what has to be the most intricate and realistic-looking CG rendition of a bowl of ramen the world has ever seen. Capable of stirring hunger even in those who have just eaten, this insanely realistic digital asset was shared alongside a short breakdown video, proving that it is indeed not a photograph. Unfortunately, Tamataku has disclosed very little about the production process, mentioning only the use of Maya and ZBrush, as well as the remarkably short rendering time of just 20 minutes for the final piece.

And here are some of the earlier WIP shots shared by the artist, you can check out more by visiting Tamataku's Twitter page

Also, check out these less realistic but nonetheless mouth-watering bowls of digital ramen cooked by VFX Artist Harry Alisavakis and 3D Artist Rabia Türkoğlu:

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Published 21 May 2024
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content