Unity Shares a Detailed Tutorial on Its New URP 3D Sample

The tutorial provides an overview of the sample and discusses scalability and performance in URP.

In case you missed the news, during the recent Unite 2023 Keynote, the Unity Technologies team officially released URP 3D Sample, a new pack designed to help users get the hang of Unity 2022 LTS' upgraded Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and show how its new features can be used to create, customize, and scale beautiful and performance-friendly 3D scenes.

Designed to help you learn how to use the URP optimally across all platforms, the sample features four environments with different art styles, rendering paths, and scene complexity to represent the variety of 3D projects that can be built with the URP. 

The list of environments present in URP 3D Sample includes:

  • The Terminal: An architectural sci-fi building featuring PBR materials and realistic lighting. Drop in your assets for look development or teleport to three additional universes built to showcase the capabilities and customizability of URP across platforms.
  • The Garden: Inspired by shoin-zukuri, this nocturnal garden features vegetation crafted with SpeedTree, interconnected interiors, a stream, and lights built with URP’s Deferred or Forward+ rendering paths. This environment scales effortlessly on mobile devices and higher-end platforms.
  • The Cockpit: This heavily stylized environment uses a custom lighting model and is designed to run at high frame rates. It’s specifically tailored for VR headsets and lower-end mobile devices.
  • The Oasis: Enjoy this photorealistic environment that features Decals, Lens flares, PBR materials, and more complex Shader Graphs for sand, water, fog, and vegetation. Learn how URP can reach a higher level of visual quality for platforms with more performant GPUs.
Recently, the team shared a follow-up in the form of a detailed tutorial on all things URP 3D Sample. In this tutorial, they provided an overview of each of the pack's four environments, detailed multi-scene workflows behind The Terminal scene, discussed scalability and performance in URP, and explained how the updated URP can assist in creating realistic 3D scenes.

"This tutorial is based on a chapter in the e-book Introduction to the Universal Render Pipeline for Advanced Unity Creators," commented the team. "You can also learn about other possibilities in URP in the e-book The Universal Render Pipeline Cookbook: Recipes for Shaders and Visual Effects." 

You can watch the full tutorial attached below or by visiting Unity's official YouTube channel:

Learn more and download URP 3D Sample by clicking this link. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 26 February 2024
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content