Check out these 5 packs with materials and grab the best for your project.
Check out this collection of 25 metal materials created by Mels Mneyan. The package includes high-resolution Materials 4K, produced in Substance.
This package includes 52 tileable fabric materials with 4K resolution and 4 bonus materials. All materials were scanned and enhanced with Substance Designer.
The package was produced with the following maps:
1. Diffuse
2. Normal
3. Roughness
4. Metallic/Specular
5. Opacity
These materials are intended for clothing however they could also be used for environmental props like blankets, curtains, carpets.
This package contains 10 Substance materials in SBS format:
- Tree bark
- Tree material
- Wood material
- Wet sand
- Sand material
- Beach rock
- Cracked ground
- Desert gravel
- Mountain gravel
- Jungle river stones
Another material pack created by Mels Mneyan includes 25 different kinds of leather and could be a great match if you're working on realistic scenes or creating brutal-style characters in post-apocalyptic environments.
This pack includes:
- Gold nuggets
- Dirt mud
- Roots ground
- Ice rock
- Sigil of lucifer
- Spring ground
- Sharp rock
- Vitoria Regia
- Rock wall
- Rugged beach rocks
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