
A Cool Volumetric Clouds Generator for Blender

It allows you to directly add clouds to a 3D scene and modify them without the need to manipulate materials.

Check out this useful volumetric clouds generator created by Daro Source for Blender. This tool allows you to add clouds and cloudscapes to the 3D scene and then modify different properties of the clouds without the need to manipulate materials.

It offers customizable cumulus and cirrus clouds to fit your artistic vision. You can change their density, color, size, and shape, as well as the wind, coverage, and roundness.

The add-on is compatible with Blender 2.83+ and works with Cycles and Eevee, but be aware of Eevee volume rendering limitations. You can get the .zip file with the tool and render presets for $5 on Blender Market.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    Hi! I'm the developer of the Add-on. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me: rhdariorh@gmail.com



    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·

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