
Adobe Presents Photoshop 23.4

Learn what's new in the latest update to the image-editing software.

Adobe presented Photoshop 23.4, the new version of its image-editing and digital painting toolkit that adds a Cylinder Transform Warp for curving flat artwork onto cylindrical surfaces for packaging design. The update also improves selection of hair with the Object Selection tool, plus makes guides more customizable. The team revealed that video playback inside Photoshop is now supported natively on Apple Silicon processors.

As for the new Cylinder Transform Warp feature, it deforms an image as if it was being mapped over the surface of a cylinder. The new tool is meant for packaging design – you can mock up artwork on the surface of bottles and cans.

What is more, Adobe improved hair selection with the Object Selection tool. The tool can now recognize portraits and apply hair refinement to get a mask as good as that delivered by Select Subject. "Simply open your portrait image and select the Object Selection tool from the toolbar and make your selection by either clicking on the portrait or by creating a lasso or marquee around the person and obtain the mask with all the hair details captured," wrote Adobe. 

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    Photoshop is so advanced now... yet I still can't open the app in 50-70% of the attempts as it freezes and crashes during the loading screen...


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·

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