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Apple’s First AR/VR Headset to Launch by the End of the Year

Apple's rumored AR/VR headset will reportedly enter mass production this fall debuting by the end of the year.

Apple’s first AR/VR headset will reportedly enter mass production starting this fall. As reported by DigiTimes, the long-rumored headset has completed key production tests and Apple intends to launch it by the end of the year.

The industry sources revealed: "Apple's first AR headset, mainly targeting professional vertical market applications, is expected to undergo EVT3 soon and enter volume production in August-September before hitting the market by the end of the year."

Although some experts including the notable analyst Ming-Chi Kuo (who forecasts Apple's VR/AR headset to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2022 with Wi-Fi 6 and 6E support) line up with the DigiTimes prediction, others note that it would take more time to launch the device. In a recent Bloomberg report, Mark Gurman marked several development issues due to which the headset will more likely debut in 2023.

Currently, Apple is working on two different AR/VR devices: an AR/VR headset similar to the Oculus Quest and "Apple Glasses". The headset is reportedly intended for developers and high-end professionals and may cost around $3,000. Meanwhile, the second device is said to be more normal-looking smart glasses that would represent Apple's ambition to enter the augmented reality space.

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