The new version comes with support for Open Image Denoise, an extended post-processing framework, and reduced memory usage in Arnold GPU.
Autodesk's ray-tracing renderer Arnold has got a massive update – Arnold 7.0. The new version adds Intel's Open Image Denoise, better denoising quality overall, important scalability improvements on GPU, and better performance and interactivity. Important API changes have also been introduced, such as the ability to render several scenes within the same process, and shaders now supporting multiple outputs.
- Open Image Denoise imager: Intel's Open Image Denoise is a fast, AI-accelerated denoiser that runs on CPU that has been integrated into Arnold as the imager_denoiser_oidn imager as an additional denoising option.
- Higher quality AI denoising: The OptiX and OIDN denoisers now use the newly introduced denoise_albedo_noisy AOV as the albedo feature AOV provided to the denoiser. This adds specular reflections and refractions to the albedo, which can improve denoiser quality.
- imager_tonemap now supports a LUT mode to apply LUT files in all the formats supported by OCIOv2 (cube, look, 3dl, clf among others).
- Imager_color_curves: A new imager to control brightness and color curves has been added. Separate curves can be authored for each R, G, or B component, along with the main curve to control the overall luminance response.
- Visible lights now transparent: The visible lights are now transparent, which matches the behavior of indirectly seen lights. This also has the benefit of allowing black parts of textured lights to be masked away.
- Matte support: Support for matte has been added to the GPU integrator. This means the matte closure, matte shader, and matte shape flag are all now supported
- Reduced VRAM use for GPU volumes: In 7.0, compression of NanoVDB volumes has been improved, so that we see roughly a further 50-60% reduction in GPU memory in typical volumetric scenes. GPU volumes now consume less VRAM than the equivalent CPU volumes consume RAM.
- And much, much more!
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