
Autodesk Open RV Has Been Released

The open-source version of the company's award-winning media review and playback software has been hosted at the Academy Software Foundation GitHub.

Autodesk has recently announced the release of Open RV, an open-source version of its media review and playback software, releasing the code on the Academy Software Foundation (ASWF) GitHub as part of the Open Review Initiative, which aims to build a unified open-source toolset for motion picture review, approval, and playback. The RV will continue to receive community-driven updates and development efforts from Autodesk engineers as part of the open-source community.

According to the announcement, Autodesk will continue to manage and develop RV for its commercial customers, and it will be an active contributor to Open RV and the Open Review Initiative to support a standardized toolset for native review.

Open RV will be overseen by a technical steering committee (TSC) led by Autodesk and consisting of engineers and contributors from the community. The project will operate under the Open Review Initiative along with DNEG's xStudio and Sony Pictures Imageworks' itview.

“Autodesk’s generous contribution of Open RV to the ASWF is one of the foundational pillars of the Open Review Initiative, and marks the beginning of a community-led effort to develop an interoperable platform and application suite for media review and approval in the entertainment industry,” said Erik Strauss, Technical Steering Committee Chair for the Open Review Initiative at Academy Software Foundation. “RV’s long-standing position as the de facto reference application for media review, and the vibrant community surrounding it, make Open RV the perfect jumping-off point for our initiative’s effort to provide a best-in-class review and approval ecosystem for developers, studios, and artists collaborating on content creation.”  

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