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Battlefield Hardline Producer left Electronic Arts

Steve Papoutsis, the man behind Dead Space and Battlefield Hardline, left EA. He was Visceral Games’ VP and general manager for 15 years.

Steve Papoutsis, the man behind Dead Space and Battlefield Hardline, left EA. He was Visceral Games’ VP and general manager for 15 years.

Dead Space concept art © EA, 2015

Papoutsis was one of the most loved executives at Electronic Arts. He was the franchise executive director on Dead Space and helped to shape all five episodes of the horror series. He was also the general manager and executive producer on Battlefield Hardline.

His duties now will be performed by Scott Probst – another EA veteran, who has been with the company since 2003. He also worked as the senior producer on Battlefield Hardline and was actively involved in the creation of the multiplayer for this cop shooter. He contributed a lot to Medal of Honor, Lord of the Rings, Command & Conquer, Dead Space and previous Battlefield titles.

We don’t know where Papoutsis is going and what games will he manage. It’s not clear if EA asked him to leave. Either way his departure marks the end of the era for the Dead Space community.

Source: eurogamer.net

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