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Cloud Strife Voice Actor in Final Fantasy 7 Remakes Criticizes Shippers

"The need to overtly sexualize every relationship can ruin great story development." 

Image credit: Square Enix

Sometimes love for fictional characters can get out of hand, and when different people passionately support different pairings, shipping wars start, and it's not a pretty sight. However, Cody Christian, the voice actor behind Cloud Strife in the Final Fantasy 7 remakes, is not afraid to cause some drama. 

Christian posted an image of Strife first calling for Barret and Aerith and then screaming "Tifa" at the top of his lungs. "Lore accurate?" he asked cheekily, to which one X/Twitter user warned him about a possible shipping war that could start in the comments. 

But Christian is not afraid of some disturbance because "Teen Wolf days gave [him] tuff skin" (and if you've ever been a part of that fandom, you know that the actor, who played Theo Raeken, is not playing around.) After some discussion about fans hating Christian as Cloud without even giving him a chance, the actor turned to shippers, saying they "crumble under the idea that a character is allowed to have significant relationships with multiple characters. This provides overarching depth."

"The need to overtly sexualize every relationship can ruin great story development," he concluded.

Tunnel vision is not a good thing, and relationships, even fictional ones, are no exception, here I agree with Christian. Characters, just like people in real life, do need to have all kinds of ties, both superficial and deep, with many people in order to gain experience and become complex. The problem is sometimes even the creators of famous works don't seem to realize it.

To leave the shipping war behind, Christian later posted a similar meme, this time adding Sephiroth to the mix. Now everyone should be happy.

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