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Customizable Water Master Material for UE4

Alireza Heidari released another great material (you can also check out his landscape material) for Unreal featuring a number of tweakable parameters. 

The material allows setting up refraction by changing intensity, opacity, and other parameters, add raindrop ripples effect, adjust waves, and more.

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  • Refraction with adjustable intensity, opacity, etc. (on/off switch)
  • Raindrop ripples effect on the surface
  • 2 vertex-paint channels enabling you to paint Moss, Leaves, lily pads, or anything you want on the surface of the water
  • Adjustable tile size for each vertex paint material. Adjustable speed and intensity for the movement
  • Replaceable normal map for waves pattern enabling you to choose your tileable normal map
  • Adjustable size, intensity, and speed for waves normal map
  • Dynamic foam and ripples around the intersecting objects and shoreline. Adjustable spread radius, speed, opacity, and color for the foam
  • More

You can learn more and get the pack for $20+ here

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