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Devs Are Skeptical about the Potential of the Metaverse, Survey Reveals

A recent survey of over 2,300 game developers shows that many game makers are not convinced by the hype surrounding the metaverse. Additionally, they are not particularly interested in the possibilities of blockchain technology.

The metaverse has been a hot topic in recent years, but it seems that game developers aren't as enthusiastic about it as some may have thought.

According to the Game Developer Conference's (GDC) State of the Game Industry 2023 report, which surveyed over 2,300 game developers, many game creators are skeptical of the potential of the metaverse. In fact, nearly half (45%, up from 33% in 2022) of respondents stated that the metaverse concept will never deliver on its promise.

Many of the responses cited the unclear definition of the concept, lack of substantial interactivity, and the high cost of hardware, such as VR headsets, as barriers to sustainable metaverse experiences.

When asked which company is best positioned to deliver on the promise of the metaverse, Epic Games/Fortnite earned 14% of the vote, the highest of any individual company. However, developers remain wary and many did not select any companies or platforms.

One anonymous respondent explained the skepticism: "The 'metaverse promise,' as it stands, is nothing. The people trying to sell it have no idea what it is, and neither do the consumers. Remember what happened, and keeps happening, with cloud gaming a decade ago?"

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Developers were also asked about blockchain technology, another hotly-debated topic in the games industry. According to the survey, only a small percentage of developers have shown interest in utilizing blockchain technology, including cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Web3, in their games.

Specifically, only 23% of developers reported that their studios have expressed an interest in using blockchain technology for their games. Furthermore, only 2% of this year's respondents stated that their studios are currently implementing blockchain technology in their projects.

17% of respondents were in favor of using blockchain technology in games, while 61% were opposed to it. Nearly one-quarter of developers were unsure or had no opinion on the matter.

Game makers were also asked about their stance on unionization. The survey conducted this year indicates that developers continue to show support for unionization, with 53% of the developers surveyed expressing support for it. Additionally, over 20% of the developers reported that they or their colleagues have actively engaged in discussions about unionization in the workplace.

You can learn more by reading the full report here. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platformour Reddit page, and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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