
Disney CEO Says We Should Not Fixate on AI's Ability to Be Disruptive

"You’re never going to get in the way of it."

Image credit: Disney

Every week we get some important people's perspectives on artificial intelligence. This time, Disney's CEO Bob Iger expressed his eagerness to embrace the latest advancements. During the Canva Create showcase event, he praised Canva for using generative AI tools and other technologies and sharing them with its users.

Iger, who took a stake in the company in 2022, commented on it following tech trends, saying Disney himself "was a big believer in using technology in the early days to tell better stories" and "thought that technology in the hands of a great storyteller was unbelievably powerful." 

He isn't worried about AI destroying the creative community and said we should focus on the good it can give us rather than the bad.

"Don’t fixate on its ability to be disruptive – fixate on [tech’s] ability to make us better and tell better stories. Not only better stories, but to reach more people," he said, according to Variety.

Moreover, he's sure you can't oppose artificial intelligence and other modern technologies, so accepting AI is the only way, in his opinion.

"You’re never going to get in the way of it. There isn’t a generation of human beings that has ever been able to stand in the way of technological advancement," he said. "What we try to do is embrace the change that technology has created, and use it as the wind behind our backs instead of wind in our faces."

In conclusion, he added that "adjusting your values is necessary to adjust to the world that has changed," and Canva is a great example of this. Iger, of course, is far from the first person to express such a sentiment. Recently, Naughty Dog's president Neil Druckmann shared his positive view on AI: to him, it's a powerful tool that helps people realize their dreams.

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