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DONTNOD Entertainment Renames to DON'T NOD

The company has undergone a slight name change and introduced a new logo as a part of its new "visual identity".

To celebrate its 14th anniversary, DONTNOD Entertainment, the studio behind Life Is Strange and Vampyr, has gone through a rebranding including a slight name change. 

The new name of the company now reads as DON'T NOD. The company also introduced a new logo which it describes as "an adaptable design that can be tailored to represent different game genres and universes."

Although the new name seems to be a minor change, the studio points out that the move is more of a "new visual identity" rather than a renaming.

"With this logo, we wanted to reintroduce the apostrophe and the space between the two words to truly embrace the meaning of DON’T NOD," the company explained. "DON’T NOD is two words to represent our tendency to be non-conventional as a company and in the games we create – as in, we DON’T NOD along to everyone else’s tune."

Apart from the reworked name and logo, DON'T NOD also presented a new website reflecting fresh branding. The website now features a new user submission tool where players will be able to upload fan-made creations related to DON’T NOD titles such as artwork, short stories, cosplays, testimonies, and poetry.

You can learn more about the company's rebranding here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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